Our MISSION as hockey’s Sport Governing Body, is to promote hockey in Yukon by leading the development of players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and administrators, and by maintaining positive and mutually beneficial relationships with Hockey Yukon’s member and non-member amateur hockey associations, and stakeholders.
Our VISION is to become a sports industry leader with a strong and respected voice that is indispensable to the success of hockey and sport in Yukon. Through Hockey Yukon’s success, all Yukoners will have opportunities to participate and be involved in positive hockey experiences. Hockey as an industry in Yukon is robust and Hockey Yukon’s accomplishments and contributions are widely recognized.
•Hockey for Life: we promote involvement in hockey as a life long physical activity for players, officials and fans
•Child and Youth Centred: our core services and programs enhance the development of children and youth as hockey players and athletes
• Good Citizenship: we promote life skills, such as courtesy, respect, teamwork, and leadership, that benefit participants throughout their lives
• Positive Relationships: trust and respect are the cornerstones of our relationships with member associations, non-non member associations and stakeholder
• Fair Play: the rules of the game are respected and uniformly applied. Having fun is central to the hockey experience
• Safe and Harassment Free Environment: our games, clinics and events are administered in environments where safety is paramount and there is zero tolerance for behaviour approaching or constituting harassment